Introductory Video Course:
Medicine and Healthcare

Medicine and Healthcare
(Currently available in Japanese only)
Learn practical tips to help you plan, write, submit, revise, and publish an English journal article with confidence.
In this 45-minute introductory video, we focus on 7 key areas, organized into 7 learning milestones. Learn some helpful writing strategies, find out the best publication practices to follow (and how to avoid unintentional violations of publication ethics), and get links to resources that can help you write up your work effectively.
Whether you are new to writing English papers or you want some tips to help you supervise or mentor early-career researchers and clinicians in their writing, this introductory video brings together some of the key issues in writing journal papers effectively.
About This Course
This 45-minute video course provides tips, cautionary notes, and information on the latest best publication practices about 7 key issues:
- Overview of the writing, submission, peer review, and publication process
- Preparing to write: Deciding your key message and target journal
- Writing your paper: Some general tips
- Writing the different manuscript parts
- Writing the cover letter
- Writing ethics statements and handling other publication ethics issues
- Responding to the reviewers and revising your manuscript

Purchase this writing course
- Pay with major credit cards or PayPal
- Payment documentation such as credit card statements will read “ThinkSCIENCE Inc.”, the company that brings you Writing Road.
For individuals
Price: 5,500 JPY (10% consumption tax to be added for residents of Japan)
Duration of access: 1 week
For groups and institutions
We’re pleased to offer substantial discounts to groups and institutions who want to build their staff’s confidence and proficiency in writing medical communications. Group pricing starts from 3 learners.